ST GEORGE, UT – Jan 5, 2017 – Squatty Potty, known for their development of the Squatty Potty® toilet stool and spray, is supporting Chris McNeil, organizer of Cleveland Browns Perfect Season Parade, (0-16), in his efforts to make something good come out of an unpleasant and painful fall 2017 football season. Squatty Potty donated funds to both the Cleveland Food Bank and parade event page as requested by McNeil.
Chris McNeil is wanting to create a positive experience for fans who have endured a tormented and heartbreaking year. While he has received a lot of support, McNeil is getting some kickback by those accusing him of making fun and not being a true Browns fan
Jason Burrows, Squatty Potty’s marketing director can relate and explains, “Squatty Potty has experience in addressing the unpleasant, the undesirable, and assisting people to make the best of a crappy situation. We have tackled the taboo, brought it to light, mixed it with humor, and turned difficult conversations into positive outcomes.” Burrows continued, “We could not help but get involved here, as it appears the Browns were a bit constipated and couldn’t squeeze out a single win. We felt like we could help the cause.”
Squatty Potty® gained popularity and notoriety in late 2015 with the launch of a wildly successful viral video featuring a Prince of Poop and a Unicorn pooping rainbow ice cream. The video used the mythical creature and a medieval prince to educate people on the benefits of squatting to eliminate. That video has garnered over 170 million views across social channels and is credited with boosting sales 600%.
For Cleveland Browns Perfect Season Parade information visit http://brownsparade.com